Taking All The Stress Out Of WellBeing
The mission of The WellBeing At Work Company is to become a market leading resource for anyone wanting to reduce workplace stress and improve the wellbeing of their organisation. We actively support all wellbeing initiatives and provide free resources to assist anyone who shares similar values.
This video coaching series is for HR executives and business owners , designed to make wellbeing the default, normal setting for your organisation.
Reducing Stress, Increasing Productivity & Performance & Improving Staff Retention.
In this 6 part video series I walk you through some of the key steps to creating an environment where all management are on board with changes and where staff are better able to cope with stress and be more resilient.
Video 1 - Changing The 20% Which Matters The Most.
Video 2 - Calculating The Cost Of Stress.
Video 3 - Identifying Resistance to Change.
Video 4 - Stressing The Pain Points.
Video 5 - Ready - Fire - Aim - Re-fire.
Video 6 - Empowering Your Staff
If you are responsible for wellbeing in your organisation and you find the series useful and want to learn more about some of the approaches, strategies and techniques I share in the series; then why not schedule a FREE 45 minute coaching session ( Held over ZOOM) where I can give you "THE WELLBEING EXPERIENCE"
Most clients I work with come from referrals, either one of the 1000's of people I've personally coached or from people I have met on trainings and seminars. Nothing beats building a business on referrals and nothing beats having a personal experience of the work someone delivers. So if you are actively looking for stress management solutions for your team or company, then let's give you an experience so you know personally what is available and the quality of the training and coaching you will experience.
The WellBeing Experience is only available to people who are:
Responsible for stress management / wellbeing in their organisation.
Are actively looking for solutions.
Are the decision maker and can approve of any of the coaching / training / services on offer.
If that's you then Let's Talk. I believe all great relationships start with a conversation so ...
Either call 01372 232112 to arrange your WellBeing Experience or email include a contact number and my colleague Roberto will call you to discuss what you are actively looking for and arrange the session with you.
For more information and rates for any of the services available download the prospectus